About us

The Mental Health Nurses Forum is a core element of the All England plan for Mental Health Nursing, this plan was developed in order to address core issues currently affecting the Mental Health Nursing workforce.

This plan was co-developed with a range of national stakeholders, who worked together to share the mission of the plan to enhance, develop and expand the existing Mental Health Nursing workforce.

As part of which all agreed to develop a first-class communication resource and network for nurses working in the mental health field, and for those with mental health issues and their families and carers.

We wanted to provide a place where nurses can come together, share ideas, updates and learn from each other by facilitating mutual support and interaction.

The Aims of the Mental Health Nursing Forum are to:

1. Establish, reclaim and belong:  the purpose of contemporary mental health nursing

2. Nurture, grow and develop: advancing mental health nursing for the future.

3. Unite, engage and overcome: addressing inequalities through diversity and inclusion

4. Implement, evaluate and discover: mental health nurses as leaders in research